Hi guys, today I'll be sharing where to clean your leather bags in KL + all about my leather bag cleaning experience in Shoemo!

For my daily bag, I use a leather backpack. I got it back in 2015, although I think it's still in pretty good shape (considering I've brought it abroad a lot of times + don't really take care of it), I've never once washed it hahaha.

I previously shared about my shoe cleansing experience in Shoemo here on my blog, and since they just started offering bag cleansing services as well, I decided to give it a go!

Shoe Mo Bangsar
24-2 (a) Jalan Telawi 3, Bangsar Baru, KL 59100
Mon-Fri: 1pm – 10pm, Sat-Sun: 11am – 7pm
+60 11-2700 4559
Located in the heart of Telawi, it's located just across Hanbing and is very accessible. You can take a Grab and key it in + you can easily walk to it from Bangsar Village as well

Their shop is quite spacious and minimalist, and to be honest I was pleasantly surprised by how nice the place smelled! Being a shoe/bag shop, I expected it to kind of smell (since my own shoes smelled horrible hahaha), but to my delight, it was very clean and fresh.

The services are done in-store itself, and I actually got to see a quick glimpse of how their customization/reparation process looked like.

Their leather bag cleaning & polishing starts at RM40. Wallets can cost from RM40-90, small to medium bags (30cm and below) can cost from RM120-180 while large bags (more than 30cm) costs RM250-350. They also offer colour touch ups!

Like with their shoe cleaning service, their staff will first inspect your bag and tell you what you should expect. I quite like this because it gives you realistic expectations + they tell you upfront if a stain can or cannot be removed.

My bag was quite filthy after 4+ years of being used. As you can see, the top, pocket and straps were all very dirty/stained.

I also came with my friend Annika, and she also sent her + her sister's handbags:

Shoemo's bag cleaning service duration depends on your bag's size + condition. You can track the progress of your shoes/bags on Shoemo's site, and you will be sent a separate email with your tracking number as well.

I dropped my bag off on September 10 and it was ready on September 26. I arranged for it to be delivered to my office and it arrived to me on the 27th.

Here are some before and after pics! As you guys can see, the stairs are completely gone + the overall colour of my bag looks fresher, more even and more vibrant.

The texture of the bag was also very supple and felt almost moisturized. The inside was washed nicely as well, and it smelled very fresh.
Overall I'm very happy with the service! I think I'll bring some of my other bags to Shoemo soon to be cleaned as well ^^
If you're looking for a place to wash your leather bags, I highly recommend them! They also do lots of other services, so do check them out.

And that's all for this post! Thanks for reading through, see ya in my next post!

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