Edobio Floradiance Moisturizing Soufflé Soap Masu Cup Review

July 24, 2019

Hi guys! Today I'll be sharing all about Edobio's Floradiance Moisturizing Soufflé Soap.

A few months back, I was introduced to these facial soaps, and you can read all about them here.

They were actually the Ukiyoe versions of the soap. Edobio has since released more versions of their soap, namely the Matsu + Masu versions:

The Masu version is the original version of Edobio's Floradiance Moisturizing Souffle Soap. Containing their patented lactic acid bacteria called 🔎 BiProGE 🔎, this mild alkaline soap contains lactic acid bacteria and yeast that have been cultured in rice bran, working together to strengthen the skin. It produces a rich “soufflé” lather and can be used on both face and body by all skin types:

The Matsu version of the Floradiance Moisturizing Souffle Soap, on the other hand, contains a new and improved formula containing green tea extracts. It features a reusable traditional sake cup (called Masu 🍵) as it's packaging, and it also includes a foaming net:

Today, I'll be sharing all about the Masu version that I have!

Formulated in Kobe, Edobio's Floradiance Moisturizing Soufflé Soap combines both science and tradition. Suitable for both face and body, this alkaline soap makes a concentrated "soufflé" type of foam. It has natural moisturizing elements, and it can be used even by those with sensitive skin.

The packaging is quite nice and premium! The wooden sake cup comes sheathed like this:

The detailing is really nice!

Once it's unboxed, you have the cup and the soap:

The cup itself can be used for drinking. If you're planning on using it for drinking, I would recommend keeping your wet soap on a soap dish instead so that the soap doesn't seep into the wood:

The soap itself first comes plastic wrapped:

Ingredient-wise, it's pretty minimal. It features mostly EWG green-rated ingredients, meaning they're very unlikely to irritate the skin:

As I mentioned above, the soap contains BiProGE® Lactic Acid Bacteria. Derived from lactic acid bacteria and cultured yeast following extensive research, this active component allows the skin to retain moisture and elasticity.

The soap really does latter into a very light, fluffy, soufflé-like foam once it's lathered:

It holds its texture well, and is very smooth. I find that using this on the face is quite nice, but I prefer using it more for my body! My skin always feels soft and clean, without that dreaded dry feeling that body soaps usually give.

As a face cleanser, I would say that it does its job well. It removes all the dirt/dead skin/gunk that my face has at the end of the day well, and I don't feel any tightness/dryness. It's very gentle, and even on days when I have breakouts, this soap helps to gently cleanse my face.

Overall, I would say it's a pretty nice all-in-one product that you can use for your entire face and body! If you're looking for a multifunctional cleanser that's gentle and non-drying, I recommend giving this one a go.

If you're interested in giving it a go, Edobio products are available online internationally on their website.

For those of you out there living in Malaysia like me, Edobio is available offline here in KL at Isetan in KLCC as well as Isetan The Japan Store in Lot 10.

And that's it for this post! I hope you guys found it helpful and informative.

See y'all in my next post!

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