Hi guys! Welcome back to my blog. Today I'll be sharing about my trip to Erawan Museum in Thailand!

Just a quick disclaimer, I took lots of pictures on my phone but almost as soon as I touched down in Malaysia, my phone was stolen (and my gallery sync was off 😭). I still have some shots, but I'm making do with what little I could salvage from my IG story + camera. Also, I'll be making a blog post about my travellog + my stay in another post, so stay tuned!
Erawan Museum was a spot that I wanted to visit after stalking kelvteoh's Instagram.
I even copied his bf's outfit exactly the same because it looked so good, but alas...the pictures are gone. Just look at the pics below and image it's my face:
The taxi ride from Oriental Residence Bangkok to Erawan Museum was B250, and the Grab car back was B243. There is an entrance fee of B400 and you can also rent an audio guide for a B100 deposit (refundable). When you first reach the main gate, you'll be greeted by a garden, and once you cross a bridge you can get your ticket + audio guide at the second gate inside.
There are lots of elephant statues around & nice gardens to rest in, and the place was actually very serene.

There are lots of elephant statues around & nice gardens to rest in, and the place was actually very serene.

When you reach the museum itself, you will be asked to show your ticket + remove your shoes. Since the museum doubles as a temple, there is a strict dress code as well. You cannot wear shorts, and you will be asked to remove your shoes at the front. I was kinda apprehensive/concerned at first because I was wearing my Air Max that day (and I didn't wanna lose my shoes/get them stolen) but there were some guards by the shoe racks that made sure all the shoes stayed safe.
Here's a pic of what the main door looks like (salvaged from my IG stories ahaha)

And this it what you see when you first step in:

Majestic right??! The museum is described as "One man's dream, come to life", and it has three levels symbolising the Thai cosmos. It also houses rare antiques, religious iconography and, as Bangkok.com put it, "psychedelic decor".

Top: Uniqlo
Pants: Monki • Tan Pants • RM30 (I got this on sale and it was such a steal!
Bag: Shopee • Rattan Bali Bag
The museum was made by businessman Lek Viriyapant, and his aim was to create a space for his vast collection of Asian antiques, to preserve them for Thai people to admire. Although he first wanted to make a normal museum, it became much more when a friend of his suggested that the museum should be shaped like an apple, the classic Western motif of human destiny.
Lek thought that Eastern cosmology was more apt and decided on an image of the Hindu elephant otherwise known as Erawan, to serve as the inspiration for his unique museum. That's why there is a three-headed elephant on top of the museum, its actually Airavata (or Erawan) from Hindu mythology.

Why I took so many pictures inside the museum with my phone instead of the DSLR was because the place is actually quite...how should I put this...dense? Compressed? The place is huge, but you will not be able to get a wide shot with all the details with a normal kit lens/35mm lens/50mm lens (which is what we had ahaha). We tried with my Samsung S9 and the shot was so wide and nice that I just stuck with it the entire time (not knowing my phone would get stolen huhuhu).
Here's a shot I edited and uploaded to Facebook and managed to retrieve:

If you're planning to come here to take pics for Instagram, I suggest coming early in the mornig when there's less people. We reached Erawan at 1pm and we had to wait quite a while for people to pass to able to get nice wide shots. Close shots won't really look nice here as it's the winding twin stairs + the glass ceiling that pop out the most.

I also recommend searching up the location on Instagram and referencing which poses you wanna do, so that when you reach there you only need to pose and shoot. If you think of your poses on the spot, you'll take up quite some time + have to wait for people to pass = be there for a super long time.

This place was the greatest loss in my entire trip. Don't get me wrong, it was amazing and all the pics I took with my phone were S T U N N I N G, but since I lost all the nice pics taken by my phone, it was kind of a waste of money (considering the cab fare to get there + the entrance fee). Okay la, I still have my camera pics but really, the pictures inside were so good. I was straight up modelling in the gig ahaha.
I hope this post was interesting and helpful to you guys, see ya in my next post!

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