Hi guys, welcome back to my blog! I recently did my nails for Chinese New Year, and they were inspired by Pearypie's Thai-style flame nails!

If you don't already know, Pearypie is a Thai beauty influencer who is often called the Pony of Thailand. Not Pony the animal, Pony the Korean beauty influencer. I can kinda see some resemblances in their work, and from what I know, both of them are friends as well.
Anyhoo, Pearypie recently went to Korea for a MAC trip, and all throughout her trip I kept on drooling over her flame nails!

They look super chic + stylish! If you guys remember, my first ever nail look was inspired by Sehun's Kokobop nails (read more about that here). PRP's design was minimalist and simple like Sehun's too:

At first, I thought they were very Thrasher/Avatar Fire Nation-inspired:

But I later realized that they were more Thai-inspired, similar to the flames on Thai temples and decor (at least, I think so). My Thai friend Bo said that Pearypie recently because a Thai tourism ambassador or something, so she's been promoting a lot of Thai prints, places and things on her feed. Even on the MAC trip she custom made a lipstick and called it Chaiyen (thai tea).

Whatever her inspiration was, I wanted her nails and I wanted them bad! Unfortunately, a lot of nail shops were fully booked because CNY was just around the corner. I did a shoutout on my stories asking if anyone had any suggestions, and elleally suggested CRNailz.
CRNailz is a mobile nail artist, meaning she does house calls and door to door appointments. Jing, the artist, was very friendly and she was nice enough to take my super last minute appointment. I'm not kidding, that evening was literally reunion night for people who celebrated CNY, so a huge shoutout to her.

Since it was reunion night, out boss actually let us out early. Bo, Anis and I decided to go for karaoke, and since we got off work early I managed to squeeze in my appointment with Jing. We settled for Starbucks in The Gardens (inside Borders), and tbh that place was actually a gem find. It was quiet and there wasn't a lot of people! All Jing needed was a plug point, so Starbucks was perfect.

Jing estimated two hours for the design, and she took exactly two hours. The materials she uses are all imported from Japan, and she herself studied nail design in Japan. She was really easy to talk to, plus she was very patient in explaining the difference between gel & normal nail polish. Did I mention I was doing gel? After my whole fiasco with Posh Nail Spa, I decided to stay safe and try gel this time round.

All in all, Jing helped to clean my nails, shape them + do the gel nail art. She said that gel nails aren't invincible like everyone thinks, and that I should avoid over-washing my hands to prevent water from going in them.

It was a pretty fun experience trying gel out for the first time (the curing, the layers, etc). I actually really love the turnout, and although it looks like I scribbled on my nails (again), the result was pretty dope and I had fierce nails all throughout CNY.

I posted it on my stories immediately after it was done and a lot of you guys seem to like it! I tagged Pearypie herself and she said:

#PearypieApproved! I went to the beach in Melaka to take some photos a few days later, totally forgetting that I shouldn't be wetting my nails.

They were totally fine after that though. It's been 2 weeks since I had them done and so far they're holding up good!

My nails have since grown so the top part is kinda weird (+ my cuticles are just...normally like that haha, I didn't maintain the smooth, supple cuticles that Jing gave me that day).
Overall the nail sesh with CRNails cost me RM112. RM77 for the mani, RM15 for her transport and RM20 surcharge because she usually needs 2 days notice for appointments. If I compare it with other nail salons, the price is pretty reasonable. The mani price is average, I would have paid more for my transport had I gone to TTDI/Bangsar to do my nails + RM20 surcharge was only because I booked late.
And that's it for this post! If y'all are interested in booking Jing as well, you can find her on her Instagram at CRNailz or contact her at 0196158736.
I hope you guys found this post helpful and interesting, see y'all in the next one! 😉
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