A Delicious 2017 with Watsons

December 27, 2016

Hola my readers! The new year is almost here and I'm lucky enough to enter 2017 smelling sweet and fresh! *Not that I smell stanky anyways 😅*. I recently received these products from Watsons and I thought I'd share about them with you guys 💕

I received two pairs of products, and the first pair I received were these Lavender & Cherry Blossom Shower + Bath Gel from Kustie

The lavender one is supposed to help the skin be silky smooth & help your sleep (with aromatherapy I guess) while the cherry blossom helps to lighten and brighten the skin. I quite like the scent of the lavender and although I'm not a big fan of cherry blossoms (I sometimes find them quite weird), this one by Kusties was quite good! It doesn't have that super heavy artificial smell that some thick body butters have. It's very nice, sweet and calming.

Next are these pair are these Strawberries & Cream + Mango & Papaya bath products from I love...!

When I first saw the names I was like OMG I WILL SMELL SO DELICIOUS! And true enough they smell super yummy! I'm a really big fan of scented body washes ever since I discovered them a few years back. My family always used the generic brand body soaps with the soapy "clean" smell. I purchased my first scented body wash in college and I've preferred scented ones ever since.

Anyhoo, these bath products actually came at the perfect time as my green tea wash was almost finishing. Definitely a practical and awesome Christmas present from Kustie & I love...! Thanks again Watsons for sending me such awesome products 😍

PS. I loved working on my flatlays for thispost, especially the flower ones! I'm a bit jealous of Tammy's bathtub photo though...I want a mountain of bubbles as well  haha

Anyhoo, that's it for this short update! I shall be uploading a Christmas/New Year diary some time next week so do keep an eye out for that. I hope everybody has a great holiday and a fresh start this coming new year!

Thanks for reading and see y'all in the next post 💕

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