July 16, 2016

Hello everyone! Can you believe my last semester in college just flew by? It seems like it was only yesterday that I was this friendless vain hoe starting college and here I am today. I'll be interning in KL this coming August and as for the future, you guys will have to tune in to my blog because even I'm not sure hahaha.

My sem started in April and a few things have happened these past few months, so here's a quick run through. Here's some ultra edited selfies (because that's how I roll) to remind you if you forgot my face or something:


So bright that it blinded your soul, right?

Anyways, college has been quite chill. I only have three classes and I actually have a lot of free time on my hands. I've so far used said free time rewatching We Got Married, finishing Ugly Betty, reading comics online and just existing on my bed.

I was in the printing shop the other day when I came across my college's anniversary magazines. I sneaked a peek and found this pic from a talk last year. Spot me!

I dyed my hair blue and I unexpectedly love it! I feel like I can pull it off quite nicely ^^

One of the things I'm definitely going to miss is me and my friends' visits up to Batu Ferringhi's beaches. I'm not a very beachy kind of person but the beach has been somehow part of my life for these past 2 years, so yeah.

Bella and I went to KL one weekend and I managed to meet up with Caryn and Xze Yan!

The flight was so-so, but the in-flight entertainment selection was lit bc they had Tiny Times 1! I live for Gu Li and her fabulousness really.

First place Bella brought me was this place called Slappy Cakes in Mont Kiara. You basically make your own pancakes and the whole concept was fun!


As I said, I got to meet up with Caryn and Xzeyan. I also got to meet Yan's bf who's quite good looking sia (Sorreh I don't have a picture haha, they look really cute together!). Anyways, we had dakgalbi and some cakes for desert that night.

*Forgive my ratchet face pls*

I got to try Uncle Jang's dakgalbi! There's an Uncle Jang shop in Penang too, and I meant to try it out with Fufy but, uh, as you can see that didn't happen haha.  


After that weekend, I decided to head home to Melaka since there were no classes the following week. My siblings were really living for Snapchat's face swap filters haha

After that, I came back to Penang with my brother Euri and he stayed with me for two weeks! It was fun having him over. I'm usually dead on my bed at home, so at least for 2 weeks I had someone to talk to.

For one of our classes, we have to film a documentary, a few commercials and a few PSAs. Euri was with my group when we went around filming. He even helped out a bit.

In return, I helped him take his "fashion film" hahaha. We legit snuck into Plaza's rooftop parking after closing hours and snuck into my apartment's pool even after it was locked. We even got busted by the security guard haha

My friends got along quite well with my brother as well, which was great~

PS. One of the perks of having a friend be the supervisor/boss/manager/iforgotwhatheractualpositionis is that you get ice cream! Maigod thanks Sharmathi!

While Euri was here, he joined Fufy and I on one of our cafe hopping episodes.

Here's a couple of college OOTDs:

Fufy is currently working as a content writer for a company called Venuescape where they do events and listings and stuff. She was invited to a new place called Botanica Mansion's soft launch, and she kindly invited me to be her plus one.

Botanica Mansion is a 150-year-old colonial building that was renovated and is now a hybrid of a restaurant/venue/fabulous homestay. The interior was quite nice and the whole area was peaceful and beautiful. For more pictures, click here!

Speaking of Fufy it was her 21st birthday a few days ago! She had a birthday dinner at Georgetown Wines and the food was divine!


She ordered this cake from a shop on Instagram called theaftermeal, and they didn't disappoint! Her cake looked and tasted great

On a totally different note, my skin has been on a totally different level these past few weeks! My mum got me this kojic acid soap from the Philippines and I've been loving it!

What it basically does is that it aggressively exfoliates the skin, revealing a natural looking brighter complexion. I'll probably make a post on it soon, but just look at my skin! These are all sans foundation! My skin has cleared up and is well on it's way to flawlessness!

The past few days have just been me finishing up college work. I can't believe I only have 1 week left in Penang. 1 week! That's crazy. I love Penang, my room and everyone I've met here. I wonder how I'll adjust in KL...

Fufy and I found this cafe called Tee Cafe or something. The menu is extremely limited but their wifi is hella fast. It's in Udini Square near Frank Laurent!

We usually worked on editing our assignments or working on our blogs. I'm quite happy with how my group's dimsum menu came out! It's simple but it was my first time using InDesign.  I think I did a pretty good job on the content, so I hope our lecturer likes it.

I also recently came across pieces from Jane Chuck's collaboration with Nerdunit, and I'm living for this milk tea/cream sweater! I need it in my life!

Our last day of diploma was the screening for the NEM and Film Studies class (which were our juniors). Tbh I think we could have done better with our documentary or if I volunteered to help edit it aside from just focusing on my part, but what's done is done, no point dwelling on the past.

Anyways, on that day we had plans to go for high tea and take pictures with everyone since it was the last day, but we weren't able to :( After the premier people left and in the end we couldn't get a proper group shot.

One of my classmates, Farhan, was walking around with his DSLR and randomly snapped this photo of us. Props to his photography skills, like look at my skin in the pic, I look flawless! (P.S spot our Korean classmate Yuna behind XD)

Okay, so no group pic, at least I have a somehow acceptable squad pic right? Nope, Bella's not in the pic T.T I don't understand why I was so out of my mind that I forgot to take group pictures. Like I, the photo whore, forgot about taking photos? Sigh. Here's another snap where technically my whole squad is present, but ya know. My eyes decided to look fabulous.

Sigh. It was anti climatic and wasn't really the end I had thought of.


This coming week I'm staying over Gerald's new house, helping a friend with his TVC and just eating everything in Penang and making the most out of every second I have left on this island I've called home for the past 2 plus years.


As always, to end this post here are some food photos:

My friends and I got to try Bali Hai's dimsum when we needed pictured for our assignment. It wasn't bad but I preferred the dimsum place in from of my college.

Grumpiez Mexican Green Pepper is located in the Tanjun Bunga area. Their stuff is definitely worth a try! Their portions are generous and they taste authentic (to me at least).

Sekeping Victoria is a place I recommend for chilling or chatting. I didn't want to come at first because they didn't have any airconditioning, but the place is wide and isn't that warm at all.

Gerald, Fufy and I had Korean one night at Kim's and to be frank, some of their stuff is quite overpriced. Either that or my student stomach was just shocked at the prices.

Gerald and I tried out the new Yoshinoya outlet in Plaza! For any WGM geeks out there, Yoshinoya is the restaurant in Japan where Yonghwa and Seohyun had A-set (the beef bowl set). For RM11, it was quite nice, so I definitely recommend trying their beef bowls out!

Gerald brought Fufy and I out for dinner one night, and we initially wanted to eat at Crab & Lobster but due to Hari Raya the place was packed. We settled for Blue Reef (I think that was the name) and their portions are humongous omg.

And finally just a few days ago, Gerald, Fufy and I tried out Yin's Sourdough Pizza:

Click here to read my review!

Here's a collage of Shiba Inus for you because you reached the end of this post!

As always, thanks for reading!

*PS. Everyone's playing Pokemon GO and here I am replaying Pokemon on my sister's gameboy that I stole lol*


  1. Korean food!!! I love korean food, and also your post! Great post! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. great post, wondering if you can also write for our company ?

    1. For guest posts/reviews, please email me at :)


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