[27.04,12] DIARY POST

April 27, 2012

:) no phone and netbook for 44 hours! can you imagine! ><

recently i've been addicting on seaweed >< i don't know why! everytime i get home, i change and go straight to the kitchen to eat roasted seaweed -,- weird huh

yesterday i had PE and we did sit ups x.x myy partner was ah boss~ in one minute i did 35 sit ups, he did 49 O.O ohhhmygodd i need to exercise more. mr wu ji liang said that 16-year-olds need to be able to do at least 40 and 17-year-olds must be able to do 45. well, im still 15! i've only been 15 for 5 months! XD 

i am now totally in love with EXO, especially with their song ANGEL (Into Your World) <3 i found this piano cover and its awesome! i recommend everyone to listen to it!

:) tomorrow is ms NA OH MI's birthday party! what will happen?? ^^ its gonna be a fun night, blonettes are coming, kaka are coming, amc people are coming, a LOT of people are coming!

DORADORA recently came out, and i think the best songs from the album are 4U (For You) and 사랑이 멈출 때 (when love stops) :D i think UKISS sounds great when they sing slow, nice ballad songs, but they sound great singing any kind of song anyway XD

hmm, i also realised that recently, i've taken a lot of zipais -,- how zilian-ish of me ><

things are getting tough for me and my friends, and we're getting much more BUSIER! so i would like so present to you:


1. today, we had a book fair :) puishi was so damn busy >< jia you, library de president! you can become the best tuan zhang of library even if ur teacher is sot! XD

2. Kityi's gonna have her grade 7 ballet exam next week! JIA YOU to you too! :)

*im gonna continue this list next time*

today naomi and i fa qiao in the hostel's music room and in class XD

another song i can't get out of my head is SHINHWA's VENUS!

and a friend of mine posted this past photo of me and my friends. i was...fat == OMG this was me in 2009

haiz, shang xin ah wo @.@

imma go watch my invincible youth/love rain now, so buh bye :D

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